Japanese alphabet duolingo
Japanese alphabet duolingo

I hitchhiked inland, going from one town to another on my way to Mexico City, where the grandparents lived and wanted me to come stay. Now, the adventure, and the learning, started. Shortly after, I got staph from the bug bites being infected by the swimming river, and had to go inland. At that point, we were camping on the beach further south and I traded my stay learning how to rake the sand for ciggie butts, wash tablecloths in a scrub basin, and became very friendly with the grandparents of the owners. Because I still wasn't fluent, carried a huge dictionary and finally, because he wanted to surf and I wanted to find all the musicians, we went our separate ways agreeing to meetup again a few months later to drive back the the states. In 1990, I drove down with a friend in order to share expenses and we visited a small village where he already had connections. Spanish speaker as second language! Originally learned, like many, in high school (secondary school) and managed to keep some of it. How about you? What languages are you studying, and which ones would you like to learn? You can share your thoughts in the comments, and/or use it as a prompt for something to write on your postcards! I haven’t joined in yet, but… it’s tempting! I’d be starting from zero, really (I can count to ten in Welsh, and say a couple of phrases by rote), and I’m not sure I have the time yet. My wife used Duolingo to get some vocabulary, and is now using an app called Say Something in Welsh to practice more. It’s probably not too surprising though that I’d love to learn to speak Welsh. I know my accent is terrible, and there’s not much reason in my day-to-day life for me to speak any French, so it’s more of a mental exercise than anything.

japanese alphabet duolingo

Tolkien) in French, and I periodically open up apps like Duolingo and Clozemaster to practice a bit… but that’s mostly just because that’s the language I learned in school.

japanese alphabet duolingo

Personally, I speak a little French and always mean to practice: I have a copy of The Hobbit (J.R.R. In April, write about a language you’re studying, or what language(s) you’d like to study!

Japanese alphabet duolingo